EWAKI is a NON Governmental Organization operating in Kigoma region with its Head Quarters at Kasulu District.  The name EWAK is an abbreviation for “Endeleza Wazee Kigoma” a Swahili name which simply means “Empower the elderly at Kigoma Region”. The organization has registration no 06NGO/00010000.  


To educate and sensitize communities to accept and care for the elderly. Also, to empower elders to demand for their rights in their communities and at government levels. 


To have an elderly community that is healthy and self-reliant.

 Uniqueness of the organization

The composition of team EWAKI is one of the most inclusive team of a model Tanzanian organization. The team include Elders, the young (boys and girls), middle aged, and people with disabilities. EWAK is where present (elders) and future (youth) elders share and live the mission and vision on elderly. It is worth noting that this rare and unique team composition is an automatic succession plan by itself. In that regard, sustainability of the mission of the organization looks certain. Further, key drivers for change as par C4C (Consultants for Change) terms are all visible in individual members of team EWAKI. Change is emotional and spiritual (Key drivers for change).  Members of Team EWAKI display these drivers. Furthermore, the organization’s identity is unique. Its name is very clear and in line with its mission.  The name clearly speaks up for itself.  Last-yet-importantly, Another uniqueness of EWAK is in its Executive Chairman Madam Clotilda Kokupima who is 87 years old and yet still highly motivated, capable, energetic, full of memory, committed and able to fit in a team of the young, middle aged and elder team members.


 Some Key Strengths EWAKI posseses

Ø  Strong and clear name, mission, vision and identity.

Ø  Strong values.

Ø  Collects and keeps data on elderly.

Ø  Has organizational chart with clear roles and responsibilities as well as checks and balances.

Ø  Strong leadership.

Ø  Very high passion and team motivation

Ø  Presence of reasonably functioning board.

Ø  Presence of key operational manuals and guides such as the constitution, financial manual, HR manual.

Ø  Unique and most inclusive team of present and the future of the elderly.

Ø  Presence of an Automatic succession plan.

Ø  Strong network of inclusive income generating groups across Kasulu Districts.

Ø  A learning organization as evidenced by DATA collection exercise that led to shifting from provision of education on elderly rights to provision of key services.

Ø  Committed team members working on full time but not in a pay roll.

Ø  A team that carries organization mission at heart.

Ø  Ability to mobilize and sensitize the elderly to engage income generating activities and become self-reliant.

Ø  Lobbying and advocacy skills.

Ø  Good relationships with Government at all levels.


 Some key challenges surfaced

Despite its achievements, EWAKI has a number of challenges. Key among many challenges the organization has include:

 Ø  Lack of some useful policies and operation manuals such as grant management policy, M& E policy, fundraising policy, governance manual.

Ø  Lack of gadgets, computers and accessories necessary for its advocacy work.

Ø  Inadequate visibility to wider audience due to being absent on the web and social media resulting from lack of skills.

Ø  Poor mobility due to lack of motorcycles and at least 1 four wheel drive.

Ø  Lack of fund (5 Million T.shs or US$ 2,300) to pay for title deed of the acquired land for construction of elderly recreation center and organization’s office facility.

Ø  Inadequate skills on fundraising, Monitoring & evaluation reporting & documentation.

Ø  Lack of QuickBooks accounting package.

Ø  Operating manually and not digitally.

 Some key Achievements

Ø  Enabling 50,938 Elders to get Government ID Card for free medical services in entire Kigoma Region.  Gender wise, 20,600 were females and 30,338 were males.

Ø  Enabled Elders in Kigoma to know and demands for their rights.

Ø  Acquisition of land to construct elderly recreation centre none of which exist in Tanzania and probably East Africa.

Ø  Transformation of the Elderly mindset from that of dependency to that of self-reliance.

Ø  Awarded CSO Week Steering Committee as the 2nd best CSO in Tanzania out of over 600 Civil Society Organizations.

Ø  Educating Communities on the rights of the elderly in all 14 villages of Kasulu Districts. Thousands of People including elders were reached out by this educative campaign. 

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